Posted in #NaPoWriMo2014

#NaPoWriMo Day Nine – “Ode to a Lava Cake”

Lava Cake


I remember the first day we met

Like a thief, you’ve stolen my heart!

Rescue me from this ghastly wet

You know, you had me from the start.

Whenever the sky cries her tears

And the world becomes shades of grey

I think of you to rid my fears

Your warm embrace brightens my day.

I love your chocolatey goodness

And the way you ooze down my throat

Your awesomeness is – well – madness

hidden inside your spongy coat.

So here’s to you my lava cake

Now go away – for my diets sake!






I like to think I'm a story teller. I love stories. I believe the world is filled with stories just waiting to be told and learned. I enjoy travelling down the road less travelled, with my iPhone and journal in each hand. Here you'll find all my poetic musings... Enjoy!

9 thoughts on “#NaPoWriMo Day Nine – “Ode to a Lava Cake”

  1. Wonderful Charlie, you do live the high life down there don’t you…coffee, lava cake, I look forward to further revelations about your diet tomorrow. Well done.


    1. Ha ha… thank you. Yes I too noticed the seemingly large quantites of food-related poetry I’ve been producing lately so have decided to shake things up a bit tomorrow… watch this space 🙂


  2. Oh goodness. I want One. *starts hunting down recipes*

    Charlie, your words could sell lava cakes! Who makes them… Sadly. I think the first time I ever heard of a Lava Cake was on a Domino’s flyer…


      1. I’ve found a Chocolate Pudding. That will have to do…. lol

        Charlie, I am holding you solely responsible for the 10kgs I put on after consuming this..


      2. Ha ha… That’s okay.. I’ve acquired this natural transference to blame any weight gain onto Mother Nature… after all if she didn’t insist on raining so much I wouldn’t have needed the warm comfort of chocolate and being inspired to write about it 😉


      3. LOL – it rains six months of the year here – except it is not a cold rain, but a humid hot, cluggy rain.. tropical rain.

        It was raining the last time I was in Melbourne. I cannot imagine being there all the time. I’m a bit of a cold weather sook!


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