Posted in Life

Written for R U Okay Day 2015

I started writing this weeks ago for R U Okay Day but forgot to post as I got distracted with life. But here it is. Better late than never…

there is
in my thoughts
this enemy
has been caught
my attention
as a silver lining
is sought
the curtains veil
my weary eyes
this lead weight smile
my only disguise
people keep asking
It is what it is.
Every day my thoughts
climb this wall
heeding to the worldly call
A soldier must never fall
Every day, the same old game
screaming silently in mental pain
the heart is beating
the lungs are breathing
but the thoughts want to blame
and escape
the suffocating shame
of the toxic enemy
haunting this brain.

Posted in Life

Thoughts of an enigmatic spectator

She is an enigmatic spectator

perplexed by this impossible game.

Never knowing when the bell will toll.

Never knowing when darkness will fall.

She wants. She wants to be… here.

She is an enigmatic spectator.

Pretending to know what she’s doing

expectant of something to happen

clutching to the tails of reality

afraid of letting go

and falling into oblivion.

She is an enigmatic spectator.

This global animation is a party

and she dreams of her place in the light.

She is a story destined for the stars

living and learning

hoping – this dance never ends.

She is an enigmatic spectator. 

Posted in #NaPoWriMo2014, Life

#NaPoWriMo Day Thirty – “April’s Journey”


She noticed the line between B and D

on the worn out stone in that photograph

and thought, what could that line possibly mean?

When she leaves here, she’ll paint an autograph

of all her thoughts, moments and poetry

signed, sealed, delivered with a smile and laugh.

Walking through time, her quest to history

where she wrote letters on a Wiltshire hill

pondering the worlds greatest mysteries.

Lie with her in fields of daffodils

as she gazes into Albion’s windows

from the grassy bench of Salisbury’s windmills.

Or find her dancing sunshine and rainbows

as she encounters New York Down Under

April Twenty Fourteen was quite a show

just like lightening in a storm of thunder.

Her line tastes like chai latte on Mondays

a blissful moment her heart could plunder

From point B, the line is a disarray

of wibbly-wobbly moments

just waiting to be played.


Prompt: All the 29 poems I’ve written this NaPoWriMo 2014.

Posted in #NaPoWriMo2014, Life

#NaPoWriMo Day TwentySeven – “An Existential Crisis”

existential crisis

Writing from an unmade bed

weary of the same four walls

wrapped in the same old pictures.

Why am I here?

Wandering up life’s mountain

weathered and crackling under

weak social preconceptions

What am I?

Worn out from institutions

wailing and waffling on;

wars on individuality.

Who am I?

Weakened from society’s chains

who would keep me on the beaten path

waiting for the answer

what will I be when I grow up?

We’re all in the same boat, they say.

Wrong, we’re split into factions

west and east; north and south

white and black – someone ask why?

Why are we here? What’s the point?

What is our objective?

We’re born into this giant globe

We should be the one’s to protect it…

Prompt: – Tautogram

Posted in #NaPoWriMo2014, Time

#NaPoWriMo Day Four: “Time”

Hiding in a timeless forest

she wanders lonely as a cloud

searching for her story; her quest.

She is not another face in the crowd.

She likes to get lost in Austen.

She likes to follow The Doctor.

She dreams of tea time in Boston.

She dreams of joining The Watchers.

Every day; once upon a time

happens simultaneously.

She loves it! – Is it such a crime?

To wander the realm aimlessly?

Soon, she will find the time; the place

to give this world a warm embrace.